Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan.

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Your 30 Nights

Your 30 Nights

Automate your donations over the blessed 30 nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen Gardening

“Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection.” (Muslim)

Help drought-hit communities in Pakistan to be resilient to climate change. Our kitchen gardening project provides communities with the tools, seeds and training to grow drought-resistant vegetables to feed their families.

£90 – Provide a vulnerable person with tools, seeds and training to establish a sustainable kitchen garden.

43 per cent of people in Pakistan don’t have reliable access to enough food, and many struggle to support their families.

Kitchen gardens give vulnerable families a secure source of food by growing vegetables in unused land. Our project equips them with the skills to sustain their gardens, and to be resilient to changing weather patterns, such as drought.

It’s a truly transformative project that empowers and uplifts the most vulnerable, providing them with a way out of poverty. It improves food security in the long term, and they can even sell surplus vegetables for profit.

Each gardener receives tools and training on preparing the soil, spacing seeds, fertilizing and economic water usage. To help them start their garden, we provide seeds, such as tomato, pepper, chili and okra, and we teach them how to conserve the seeds in order to continue growing their garden.

This project is community-focused; we train entire villages at a time, with practical, guided training in a demonstration plot.

With your help, we’ve established 241 kitchen gardens.

Give mercy, donate a kitchen garden.

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or programme that you select. In the event we complete the programme, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another programme where it is needed most.



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