Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan.

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Your 30 Nights

Your 30 Nights

Automate your donations over the blessed 30 nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Child Welfare

Orphan Sponsorship

This Ramadan, be a mercy for a child of the ummah. For £40 per month, or £480 per year you can spread hope to an orphan living in unimaginable hardship without their parents. Honour the Prophet’s (PBUH) Sunnah of mercy to children in one of the most beautiful acts of charity

Support the ummah’s children this Ramadan

“I and the one who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and middle finger, holding them close together.’’ (Bukhari)

In this holy month of mercy, perform the ultimate act of mercy, charity, and selflessness. Care for a child who has been left all alone, who urgently needs a sponsor from among the ummah. You’ll help them to stay healthy, fed, warm, and in school, and give them the comfort of feeling secure and cared for.

Become the sponsor of an orphan this Ramadan, when blessings are multiplied. You can give monthly for £40, or annually for £480 – that’s 12 months of blessings packed into a single donation. Our orphan sponsorship programme is Zakat-eligible, so you can fulfil this pillar of Islam while helping a vulnerable child.

Sponsor an orphan in Palestine

The decimation of Gaza has left in its wake a devastating future for its children. More than 38,000 children have been newly orphaned, and 41% of families in Gaza are caring for a child that isn’t their own. For an orphan, not only do they have to cope with the loss of their parents, but they suddenly have to think about how they will afford to survive.

The ummah must step up and support orphaned children in Gaza. This Ramadan, entrust your sponsorship to our 33 years of experience in caring for orphaned children.

Currently, 6,957 orphans are registered with Human Appeal and awaiting sponsors to help them regain their childhood.

This Ramadan, sponsor an orphan and ease their hardship as they try to survive unimaginable loss. Reap the blessings of the holy month through this beautiful act of Sunnah.

Spread a smile with your Sadaqah.

Honouring a Prophetic tradition

In his lifetime, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) - himself an orphan - emphasized caring for orphans and promised those who did so a special place in Jannah. It's a testament to the beauty of supporting the most vulnerable within our ummah - the children who have lost their caregivers. Sponsoring an orphan isn't just following the legacy of the Messenger (PBUH); it also assists the child's mother or caregiver with the expenses for:

• Food

• Clothing

• Healthcare

• Housing

• School supplies

Children sponsored with us continue to be sponsored for as long as they’re in education – right now 665 orphaned young adults are being supported as they complete their university degrees.

Become a sponsor and help reintegrate a child into school, providing them with a safer today and a brighter tomorrow.

Our sponsorship is one-to-one, meaning that you individually support a single, specified child. When you become a sponsor, you’ll received two reports each year (we’re the only charity to do this) telling you how the child you sponsor is doing. You’ll learn about their housing, education, favourite subjects, and hobbies. You’ll even receive a drawing or letter from them.

Safety, experience, and child-focused care

This Ramadan, rely on our 33 years of expertise in nurturing orphaned children. Across all 14 countries where we sponsor orphans, we have a dedicated child safeguarding officer is in place. All staff working with children receive comprehensive training in child protection. Our local staff check in on all sponsored orphans to make sure they are well, in school, and receiving the care you intended, and we transparently report back to you how the child is in your biannual reports.

We also train mothers and caregivers on child protection, helping them to protect these orphans from common risks. We also work to help families with orphans in other ways, such as by training widowed mothers to have a livelihood to support her orphaned children.

Currently, our sponsors are transforming the lives of over 33,000 orphans in 14 countries. Over 6,000 more are registered and urgently awaiting a sponsor to help them with the cost of food, clothing, and healthcare.

What happens when I sponsor a child?

Protecting the ummah's children

By sponsoring an orphan, you provide them with the opportunities that every child deserves – health, protection, and education. We extend our protective arm to the mothers and caregivers, guiding them to safeguard the children from common risks and hazards.

Orphan sponsorship is tailored to your preferences. Choose a specific child, age, or location to sponsor, or trust our Orphan and Child Welfare team to identify the child most in need of support. Registration is quick and easy, making it effortless to transform a child's life.

Reap the multiplied blessings of Ramadan. Care for an orphan child today.

Give a child a chance of a brighter future

Transform the life of an orphaned child by:

Warming their hearts and comforting their minds

Providing orphans with suitable, dignified clothing, and keeping them warm and dry throughout the year.

Ensuring they receive nourishing meals

Your sponsorship helps to provide regular food to the child you sponsor, allowing them to thrive.

Providing safe and secure housing

Having the stability of a home to return to at the end of the day helps children to focus in school and provides them with the security and stability that all children need in order to flourish.

Guaranteeing and protecting their learning

Sadly, sometimes children are forced to work in order to keep themselves and their families fed. Providing their caregiver with a regular income helps orphans to return to school, pay for their learning materials, and build a brighter future.

Supporting the whole family

When a widowed mother has an income for one of her children, the whole family is supported through shelter and food, and through the easing of the financial burden on the family.

Ensuring they receive health and medical care

Providing orphans with proper health care, routine check-ups and immunisations.

Your mercy can help build a better future for Junaid and his family


  • What is orphan sponsorship?

    Your sponsorship is a mercy to a child, helping them to break the cycle of poverty, and give them the opportunity that all children deserve – a chance to be healthy, protected, and educated. Importantly, sponsorship also ensures they get to stay in school, so that they don’t have to work to support themselves and their families.

    Entrust your sponsorship to our 30 years of experience in caring for orphaned children. Be a mercy to an orphaned child, and each month you support a child, you’ll receive blessings too. £35/$50 per month helps to cover the cost of:

    • food

    • shelter

    • clothes,

    • healthcare, and

    • school supplies.

    You can also give your sponsorship in a one-off annual payment of £420/$600 per year.

  • Where does the money go when I sponsor my orphaned child?

    Funds received via the 1-2-1 Sponsorship programme are given to the orphan child’s primary carer, whether this is the child’s mother or a family guardian. The mother or guardian has discretion to spend the funds on the child’s wellbeing, education, shelter or living arrangements. The spending of each household varies from one family to the next.

  • Does the child I sponsor go to school?

    Yes, if the child you sponsor is old enough and able, then the child you sponsor will most definitely be attending school as per our 1-2-1 Sponsorship programme criteria.

  • Can I contact the orphan child that I sponsor?

    Due to our safeguarding measures and policy, we do not allow donors to contact the orphan child. We provide you with updates on the child’s development and growth twice per year, so you can know the impact your funds are making on the child’s life. However, we do not allow direct contact for the child’s betterment.

  • Can I communicate with the orphan I sponsor via letter, email, Zoom or any other means?

    The donor will receive two reports each year on the progress of the child's development and updated photos. We do not have the function to allow donors to write to the children at this moment in time. We do not encourage donor visits to the orphans either due to safeguarding issues. While we understand that donors want to meet the children or speak to them often, this requires safeguarding measures to be in place that will allow us to ensure the child and their mother/guardian is always protected.

  • How often do I get updates on the orphan child I sponsor?

    We currently issue mid-year and annual reports; these include updated pictures of the child, as well as information on their current wellbeing and performance in school.

  • Is sponsoring a child like adopting a child?

    By sponsoring a child you are providing monetary assistance to ensure they have access to a quality education and a better quality of life. However, this is not like adopting a child as you have limited or no access to the child directly. They are aware of your sponsorship and will be receiving the donations; in turn you will receive two reports a year on the child’s progress.

  • How do you define orphan?

    An orphan child is a child without a father or both parents.

  • How do I sponsor a child?

    You can sponsor an orphan child by visiting our website and setting up a direct debit or making an annual donation. You can also call us and our donor care team will assist you in sponsoring a child.

  • Can I sponsor more than one child?

    Yes, you can sponsor as many as you like.

  • Can I sponsor a child in the UK?

    We do not sponsor orphans in the UK but in developing countries across the globe instead.

  • Is this project Zakat applicable?

    Yes, however you must specify this when making the donation so we can ensure that we can apply this.

  • 13. I don’t live in the UK; can I still sponsor a child?

    Yes, we have Human Appeal Offices throughout the world that you can sponsor via. Our HQ is in the UK and you can sponsor directly from our website.

  • How do you select the orphans who receive sponsorship?

    We apply a strict programme criteria for orphan sponsorship programmes, all child must meet our minimum requirements for the orphan sponsorship programme so that we can ensure we are reaching orphans most in need.

  • How does the sponsored child benefit from my support?

    The primary benefit is the child receiving a quality education, and that by providing monetary support the funds are spent on improving their quality of life.

  • If the orphan’s guardian receives the money, how do you know they spend it on the orphan?

    Our programme stipulates that the child must be in education, while the mother or guardian of the child has discretion to spend the funds to as they deem necessary to support their local needs.

  • Can I send extra monetary or non-monetary gifts?

    You can send additional monies to the child by either setting up a second fund for the child or via one off donations. Due to the design of our programme, we advise you send monetary gifts so that the guardian or mother of the child can buy gifts for the orphan according to their local needs.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and middle finger, holding them close together.

In Islam, sponsoring an orphaned child is one of the most righteous deeds a Muslim can perform.

Change a child’s future. Honour the legacy of the Messenger. Be a mercy.

Sponsor a child

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or programme that you select. In the event we complete the programme, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another programme where it is needed most.



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