Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan.

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Your 30 Nights

Your 30 Nights

Automate your donations over the blessed 30 nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Honey Bee Farm

Honey Bee Farm

Honey Bee Farm

Gift honey bees, change a life

"The believer is like a bee which eats that which is pure and wholesome and lays that which is pure and wholesome. When it lands on something, it doesn’t break or ruin it." (Hadith Ahmad)

Farmers in Pakistan are struggling with climate change, drought, flooding and the rising cost of starting a business. Help a farmer to launch a honey bee farm – 90% of our farmers go on to open more hives and expand their farm.

£375 – Provide a honey bee farm, reaping the blessings of this Sadaqah Jariyah

Your charity provides a person struggling to make a living with four hives, bees, safety equipment, training and ongoing technical support to help them start a small and sustainable business selling honey, enabling them to support their families for years to come. We’ll also help them to get exposure, hold exhibitions and help them market their honey.

One small project, one mighty impact

When you give £375, you’ll be directly responsible for helping a vulnerable person to lift themselves – and their families - out of poverty. Since the start of this project, you’ve helped us to provide 3,372 hives to vulnerable farmers, transforming the lives of 843 families.

Within just a few years, the farmers you support often triple their production to 12 or more hives. Some farmers who you supported five years ago are now thriving with more than 40 hives. 90% of farmers from this initiative have expanded to open more hives. In short, this project empowers people to have not just a livelihood, but a sustainable livelihood.

Because of the expert training we provide, and our commitment to preserving indigenous knowledge, a booming cottage industry has developed in the surrounding areas of Bagh, where honey production and the necessary tools and equipment are now all locally made. Farmers, their families, and communities are enjoying improved lives, increased income and educational opportunities, and economic and environmental enhancement. So far, farmers have sold more than £1.5m in honey through this initiative.

We’re very careful when selecting who will benefit, making sure that we support a diverse array of people who each have the drive and determination to launch a honey bee farm. At least 30% are women who have families to support, 5% are people with disabilities, 5% are older people, and 25% will be students, who we’ll encourage to conduct research into beekeeping in the local region.

Donate today, farming families in Pakistan need your support.

A climate where honey farms can thrive

With your help, we want to transform the lives of vulnerable families in the Bagh District, Pakistan-administered Kashmir, where the unemployment rate is almost double that of Pakistan.

This region is filled with forests, animals, agricultural land, flowers and herbs, making it ideal for bees and honey production. But most beekeepers in the area haven’t had formal training and produce very low yield.

It’s an opportunity for vulnerable people to lift themselves out of poverty, and a chance for you to give, while reaping the blessings of providing a sustainable livelihood for many years to come.


This project is Zakat-applicable and you can calculate what you owe with our easy-to-use Zakat calculator.

Our work in Pakistan

We’ve been changing lives in Pakistan for 18 years, and our beekeeping project has been helping farmers for eight years.

In 2022, we helped a total of 3,843,279 people, including 1,656,490 people in Pakistan through our flood response, as well as projects that provided sustainable clean water, livelihood training, education, solar-powered electricity, and food security.

Empower a family to start sustainable a honey farm. Donate.

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