Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Your 10 Nights – Automate Your Donations for Gaza During the Blessed Last 10 Nights of Ramadan.

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Your 30 Nights

Your 30 Nights

Automate your donations over the blessed 30 nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.

Wrap Up

Wrap Up

Our award-winning winter Wrap Up campaign has ended for another year, but we have exciting news! We’re extending Wrap Up to a year-round initiative: Wrap Up Door to Door!

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Wrap Up is coming to your door

Our award-winning winter Wrap Up campaign has ended for another year, but we have exciting news! We’re extending Wrap Up to a year-round initiative: Wrap Up Door to Door!

In response to rising levels of poverty in the UK, we’ve partnered with Bag2Charity, a convenient, free, ethical collection service that gives unloved clothing and shoes a fresh chance, helping people and the planet.

With Wrap Up Door to Door, you can now donate your spare coats, all-season clothing, and shoes year-round in 20 cities across the UK. Coats will be contributed to our main Wrap Up campaign, while Bag2Charity will sell other donated clothing and shoes to raise funds for our Where Most Needed Appeal.

Additionally, for school collections booked via Bag2Charity, a portion of the proceeds raised by the schools will be donated to Human Appeal's Where Most Needed Appeal. This partnership makes it possible to support the world’s most vulnerable individuals throughout the year, not just during winter.

With Wrap Up Door to Door, you’re not just supporting vulnerable people in the UK with your donations, recycling your unwanted items helps the environment too.

The best part? Wrap Up Door to Door collects from your doorstep. It couldn’t be easier or more convenient. Simply declutter your wardrobe, book your collection, and we’ll handle the rest!

How it works

Schedule a collection by entering your postal code on the Bag2Charity website.

Pack all clothing and items that you wish to donate.

Leave the bags outside on the arranged date and we’ll collect.

All proceeds will be donated to Human Appeal.

Last year’s achievements

Coats collected by Human Appeal

Coats collected by Human Appeal


7,012 coats were collected in Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester, London and Luton.

 Volunteer hours

Volunteer hours


591.25 hours were given by our volunteers, collecting and sorting coats.

Number of volunteers

Number of volunteers


248 volunteers across Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicester, Luton and London supported the campaign by collecting and sorting coats.

The overall number of coats collected for Wrap Up

The overall number of coats collected for Wrap Up


Hands On London collected a total of 22,699 coats throughout the national Wrap Up campaign, with Human Appeal’s support.

Charities supported

Charities supported


22 charities were supported across Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Luton, London and Leicester.

Number of warm clothing items donated

Number of warm clothing items donated


18,532 warm clothing items were collected and redistributed to charities this year.

Thank you for wrapping up with us last year

A warm thank you to all who supported our Wrap Up campaign last winter. You helped spread warmth by donating 20,908 winter coats, and over 7,843 jumpers, hats, scarves and gloves to protect 12,251 refugees, vulnerable women, homeless people, and children from the cold.

In partnership with Hands On London, we were able to pass your coats to 29 charities in Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester, London, Glasgow, Derby and Luton.

Thank you to the 179 volunteers who gave over 297 hours of their time, to the organisations who provided 29 collection centres, and to our partner charities who worked tirelessly. Thank you to everyone who spread the warmth by donating a spare winter coat and making Wrap Up 2023 a success. Keep spreading the warmth!

Download our Wrap Up 2023 report here to read more about how you’ve brought warmth to some of the UK’s most vulnerable.

Download PDF

“I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Human Appeal for the coats they provided. These coats were incredibly useful for the people staying in temporary accommodation. They not only kept them warm during the cold weather but also provided a sense of comfort and security during a challenging time. Your generous donation made a significant difference in their lives, ensuring they stayed safe and protected from the harsh elements. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.”

Caritas Shrewsbury

Brands that support Wrap Up

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“We are very grateful to Human Appeal because they supplied us with 236 coats during the Christmas time, which were distributed to asylum seekers and refugees. Thank you very much and may Allah allow us to always support those in need.”

Aspire Welfare

Brought to you by

Wrap Up Door to Door is brought to you by Human Appeal in partnership with Bag2Charity & Hands on London.



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